Did-You-Know: You can STREAM podcasts with your iPhone ?

Did You Know...? | Friday January 16 2009 10:45 pm | Comments Off on Did-You-Know: You can STREAM podcasts with your iPhone ? Tags: , ,

Dragging me into the world of iTunes, my iPhone re-introduced me to the world of podcasts, which now are one of my favorite parts of having an iPhone.  There are WORLDS of both audio and video podcasts on all subjects and I have overloaded my laptop hard drive by sampling so many and filling up my iTunes folder.  With the new updates to the iTunes store interface on the iPhone, not only can you sample songs for sale, if you are connected to WI-FI, you can STREAM podcasts instead of downloading them by clicking on the podcast episode title.


This is great for trying a new podcast you haven’t heard before or just for avoiding the accumulation of digital “clutter” on your hard drive.  You can also manage your podcasts settings (i.e. how many back episodes to store on your hard drive) through options in iTunes.  One WARNING, though: streaming over WI-FI is one of the more draining activities on the iPhone’s battery.

TIP of the MONTH: Free Wi-Fi for iPhones at AT&T hotspots (Starbucks, McDonalds, more!)

iPhone TIP of the MONTH! | Tuesday November 25 2008 5:20 pm | Comments Off on TIP of the MONTH: Free Wi-Fi for iPhones at AT&T hotspots (Starbucks, McDonalds, more!) Tags: , ,

For my first iPhone TIP of the MONTH, I thought it beared reminding that AT&T FINALLY made good on promises to deliver free Wi-Fi for its iPhone customers at all of their “hotspots.”  This is especially important as AT&T has recently supplanted T-Mobile as the provider at the STARBUCKS chain.  They also supply many McDonald’s locations.  For more info: http://www.wireless.att.com/learn/internet/wifi.jsp

All you do is find the AT&T wifi network, enter your phone # and you’ll get a text message with a PIN good for 24 hours of free wifi at that location.  WHERE oh WHERE are these locations?  Take a look: http://attwifi.know-where.com/attwifi/cgi/index?design=default

LOS ANGELES READERS!  While searching for access at airports, I noticed that through AT&T the BURBANK airport charges $2 for wifi, which while not free, seemed like a great deal for wifi in a pinch…