Two more programs connect the iPhone and your TV…

TV on the iPhone | Monday January 19 2009 3:47 pm | Comments Off on Two more programs connect the iPhone and your TV… Tags: , ,

The excellent Ars Technica has a look at two new programs that attempt to connect your iPhone with a television, iPhone TVOut and SCREENSPLITR:

Watch TV on your iPhone with ORB software

TV on the iPhone | Saturday November 22 2008 5:36 pm | Comments Off on Watch TV on your iPhone with ORB software Tags: , ,

I believe I read about this on but honestly I can’t recall.  I have yet to delve into this software yet, but it appears to work with TV tuner cards installed on PC’s (no Mac or Linux support as of yet).

Apparently, if you install this software on a PC with a compatible tuner card, you will be able to watch that video over both your home wi-fi network AND OVER THE AT&T 3G and EDGE NETWORKS.  That last part is the really exciting part. 

Frustratingly, they don’t post a list of compatible TV tuner cards at their site, but it seems most PCI-interface cards have a good chance of working but the USB plug-in types do not.  The full version of the app costs $9.99 but there is a great trial version that lets you test whether or not it works with your tuner card.  I will post a link to the app store…when I figure out how to that [pull out to-do list].