TIP of the MONTH: Free Wi-Fi for iPhones at AT&T hotspots (Starbucks, McDonalds, more!)
For my first iPhone TIP of the MONTH, I thought it beared reminding that AT&T FINALLY made good on promises to deliver free Wi-Fi for its iPhone customers at all of their “hotspots.” This is especially important as AT&T has recently supplanted T-Mobile as the provider at the STARBUCKS chain. They also supply many McDonald’s locations. For more info: http://www.wireless.att.com/learn/internet/wifi.jsp
All you do is find the AT&T wifi network, enter your phone # and you’ll get a text message with a PIN good for 24 hours of free wifi at that location. WHERE oh WHERE are these locations? Take a look: http://attwifi.know-where.com/attwifi/cgi/index?design=default
LOS ANGELES READERS! While searching for access at airports, I noticed that through AT&T the BURBANK airport charges $2 for wifi, which while not free, seemed like a great deal for wifi in a pinch…